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Case Study #1

Case Studies

Case Study #1

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Case Study #7


Remedial Case Study


A realty trust, named a Responsible Party for a US EPA Superfund Site, selected LEI to provide site assessment and remedial services. The subject property had been operated as a metal plating facility for over 20 years, until it was abandoned by the operator during bankruptcy. US EPA performed an initial inspection that showed the atmosphere in the building contained hazardous levels of cyanide gas and many labeled and unlabeled containers of chemicals and wastes


LEI's initial work on this property included the identification, characterization and disposal of approximately 100 drums and 600 various sized containers of various chemicals and wastes. Following these disposal activities, LEI conducted an evaluation of soil and groundwater at the site. The following issues were identified:
  • Various metals detected in the soil and groundwater with Cadmium and Antimony detected in excess of state and federal standards
  • Acidic soils (i.e. low pH values) identified
  • Residual cyanide concentrations detected during a surface wipe sampling round
  • Leak identified during the removal of underground storage tank containing fuel oil. Further testing of area indicated that only soil had been affected by fuel oil leak.

Response Activities:

Discrete response actions initiated to address various compounds of concern and affected media included:
  • Limited soil excavation in discrete areas to address Antimony and fuel oil constituents
  • Acidic soils (i.e. low pH values) neutralized via injections of a base
  • Modified chemical oxidation process reduced residual cyanide concentrations in building
  • A risk assessment, conducted upon completion of these response activities, indicated that No Further Actions were required.

Current Site Status:

  • Site Closed —No Further Remedial Actions required

All content © 2003 Lessard Environmental Incorporated.